
Garfield Orchestra’s 25th Annual Winter Waltz — Sunday, Jan. 14

Join us for our 25th Annual Winter Waltz at Benaroya Hall presented by Friends of Garfield Orchestra and Classical King FM! Dance the night away to 3 hours of incredible waltz music by our own fabulous Garfield Orchestras. The theme is “Masquerade” so please bring a masquerade mask if you can. Novices and experts welcome! Waltz lessons will be provided ahead of event. All ages too!

Sunday, Jan. 14, 2018 @ 7:30 – 10:30 PM

Grand Lobby Benaroya Hall, 200 University St., Seattle

Purchase tickets with early bird pricing starting Thursday, Dec. 14 through Dec. 31 HERE:

Contact Carolyn Morikawa,, or Eve Gordon Anderson,, with questions.