Marine Science Back for Next Year…Depending on Sign-Ups

Marine Science is available for students to sign up for the 2020-21 school year. Registration opens Feb. 10th – Feb. 27th. The class depends on student sign-up. If enough students sign-up, it will be a class again this fall.

This is an elective science that will fulfill one of the 3 years necessary to graduate. The first semester is focused on Physical Oceanography including topics like: Origins of the Ocean and life, plate tectonics, navigation, water chemistry, Ocean acidification, weather, waves, tides and currents. Second semester is focused on marine biology with an emphasis on organisms of the Northwest. We have partnered with the Seattle Aquarium doing authentic beach research (data is submitted to the state of Washington) and several field trips around this topic.

Current requirements: students need to have taken and passed Biology.

If anyone has questions, please contact Jonathan Stever (