Summary of the HCS AC Highly Capable and Advanced Learning Service Delivery Survey Results

Thank you to all of those who took time to offer your input through the HCS survey and for shaping and to unify our advocacy efforts regarding service delivery. See below for the summary results of all 239 respondents, as well as those results broken down by current HCC parents and current AL parents.

Some notable results were :

  • 18% HCC parents were “very satisfied” which is down from 2012 when 48% APP parents said they were “very satisfied”
  • The majority of respondents were not confident that the District is prepared to offer equitable rigorous curriculum,  cohesive cohorts and appropriate building sites
  • 44% who contacted the District or Board regarding concerns received no response

In addition, we will have a summary of the 140 text responses that we received shortly.  

HCS Survey All Data 2018

HCS Survey Current AL Parents Data 2018

HCS Survey Current HCC Parent Data 2018
