Tech Troubleshooting Advice from Mr Manzin

During last night’s PTSA meeting, Mr Manzin, GHS librarian and tech guru, outlined a troubleshooting path specific to Garfield students who are experiencing technology and/or connectivity issues with classes.

  1. First reach out directly to the teacher, if the issue pertains to an individual class.
  2. Some computer and connectivity issues can be resolved fairly quickly by Mr Manzin (, who is helping Garfield students and teachers troubleshoot problems.
  3. Submit questions to the Tech Line at, being sure to cc someone within the Garfield building such as Principal Shareef or Mr Manzin.  This allows the school administration to be aware of students who are having problems connecting.

Mr Manzin highlighted some known technical issues that the District continues to address.  If your student’s headphones do not work when plugged into devices, for example, they are not alone.  This is not a hardware issue but a software one that the District is working to fix, and replacing the headphones will not help.