Annual Fund

Please Support the Garfield PTSA Annual Fund

Our 2024-2025 goal is $200,000! 


When you donate to the Annual Fund — whether it’s $50 or $5,000 — Garfield students will benefit.

The Garfield PTSA’s Annual Fund — powered by your donations — funds a wide variety of programs aligned with the vision and goals of the school for the success of every student. Your gift will support investments such as:


  • Staffing: Funding to preserve 1.6 FTE of critical teaching positions. 

  • Campus Safety: An important investment to support the Principal’s priorities.

  • Academic and College/Career Support: Funds for GHS partnerships with organizations such as Y-Scholars, improving access to support for all students.

  • Classroom Needs: $350 stipend for each teacher to use as needed.

  • Project Grants: $20,000 for teacher/staff/student projects between $200 and $2,500. (Applications are reviewed by the Building Leadership Team.) Examples: Student club expenses; a portable sound system; counseling-services software; drumline equipment. Learn more!

  • Grad Night Party: A safe and sober celebration for all seniors hosted and subsidized by the PTSA with scholarships and sliding scale entry. Learn more!

  • Health and Student Wellness: Partial funding of the athletics trainer and financial support for students and families in crisis.

  • Staff Appreciation: Events and more to show our gratitude to Garfield’s amazing faculty and staff. Learn more!

  • Library, Studio Arts and Photography: Purchase of materials not funded by the district, including books, and funds for a part-time Library Assistant. Learn more!



There are many ways to make your tax-deductible donation:

Garfield PTSA Annual Fund
PO Box 22748
Seattle WA 98102-9997

Any amount is welcome!

Check with your employer about matching donations—these are a major source of funding for the PTSA and can double or even triple your own contribution.

On behalf of our students, faculty, and staff, thank you for your generosity. Every dollar helps sustain and strengthen all the qualities that make Garfield so outstanding.

Thank you, and Go Bulldogs!

The Garfield PTSA Annual Fund Co-Chairs










