PTSA needs YOU in 2024-25!
Help us increase our emphasis in 2024-25 on building community, addressing safety issues and supporting students and staff. Many Board and other key volunteer roles are flexible commitments or can focus on one event. We are pleased to announce that 2023-24 PTSA Co-Presidents Jennifer Marquardt and Alicia Spanswick are returning for 2024-25. Contact them at if you are interested in positions below:
Note: An asterisk indicates that position usually also includes being a member of the Board. A hash tag indicates Officer position, and member of the Executive Committee. (Officers collectively have the most responsibility for overseeing the organization.)
*# Vice President (up to 2) — A Vice President often takes on a specific project or focus area while serving on the Executive Committee with the Co-Presidents, Co-Treasurers and Co-Secretaries. Excellent position to hold during the year before becoming a Co-President.
*# Secretary (up to 2) — Take notes and publish minutes following PTSA meetings; transition PTSA document folders to Google Drive; update the PTSA calendar and the Member Planet website; and lead annual review of bylaws.
*# Treasurer (2) and * Finance Chair (1) — We have 2024-25 commitments for these positions, but welcome additional volunteers interested in nonprofit financial affairs and budget creation, and who may wish to take on one of these roles in the future.
* Race and Equity Chair (2) — Ensure that our practice and policies align with equitable practices; facilitate group discussions during meetings around race and equity; join Garfield’s Racial Equity Team; strategize how to be more inclusive of and welcoming to families not currently engaging with PTSA.
Parent Reps — Liaisons between families and the PTSA leadership team. Plan a small social activity for families in their grade in the fall and support either the Spring Fundraiser Committee in April/May or Grad Night in June.
- Parent Reps 9th Grade (2)Â
- Parent Reps 10th Grade (1-2)
- Parent Reps 11th Grade (1-2)
- Parent Reps 12th Grade (1-2)
Many of the following positions have one or more 2024-25 commitments; we can advise on the available roles!
* Advocacy Chair (1-2) — Organize group communications to district, legislators, and administration to provide strong advocacy; spearhead community meetings on issues when necessary.
* Annual Fund Chair (1-2) — Organize Annual Fund drive through letters and other communications; track donations and provide thank yous and documentation to donors. Work closely with the outgoing chair to learn the ropes. This is a critical position, and one that can work into your personal daily schedule (e.g., not a million meetings)!
* Spring Fundraiser Chair (1-2) — Calling all party planners, event coordinators, planners and those who love the little details! We’d love to have your expertise and help co-chairing one of our signature events. The annual Spring Fundraiser is our largest fundraising event of the year. The Spring Fundraiser Co-Chairs are given broad scope in planning an event to engage our school families, community and area businesses in supporting our school, with assistance from the wider PTSA Leadership Team. Details include communications, procurement, donation tracking with our software, and recruiting volunteers to lighten the load. This work ramps up a few weeks before the celebration (spring date TBA) and has some follow-up for a week or two afterward.
* Building Leadership Team Member (2) — Serve as families’ representatives on the Building Leadership Team, which discusses building issues and is responsible for decisions on Garfield discretionary budget, Continuous School Improvement Plan, PTSA Small Grants and more. Normally meets twice per month.
* Family Support Chair (1-2) — Build a working relationship with GHS support staff; communicate with GHS support staff and PTSA treasurer around gift card and other support needs; discuss any special needs/request/emergency situations and present them to the group for a vote; create and maintain a list of local resources for families (housing, rent/utilities assistance, shelters, food distribution etc.); lead the holiday giving campaign for gift cards and supplemental family support funding.
* Grad Night Chair (1-2) — Help plan the seniors’ safe-and-sober celebration of the end of their high school experience. The bulk of work is by a paid professional event planning company. The Grad Night co-chairs coordinate student sign-ups, scheduling and chaperone recruitment. This position is great for the parent of a sophomore or junior. The  work is primarily in May and June.
Staff/Teacher Appreciation Chair (1-2) — Collaborate with our returning co-chairs to create joyful moments of indulgence and appreciation for our building staff and faculty throughout the year, including orchestrating Staff/Teacher Appreciation week in May.
* Communications Chair (1-2) — Collaborate with PTSA leaders on outreach to the community through variety of communications tools and strategies, which include: Weekly e-newsletter; social media posts; website. Help with efforts to successfully promote fundraising campaigns, spring fundraiser, Grad Night party, PTSA meetings, Staff/Teacher Appreciation events, parent-education events, volunteer recruitment, and other PTSA activities.
Communications Lead (1-3) — Collaborate with communications chair on one or more projects/activities: Weekly e-newsletter writing/editing; social media posts; website updates. Help moderate online PTSA meetings. Write feature posts.
* Teacher PTSA Rep (1-2) — Be a faculty voice to help make sure our PTSA is responsive to the needs of our teaching staff.
* Student PTSA Rep (1-2) — Be a student voice to help make sure our PTSA understands the needs of our student population.