eBark Submissions
eBark Submission Guidelines and Disclaimer
The Garfield PTSA eBark is published on garfieldptsa.org, and an email update of contents is sent out Wednesdays at noon. Please send submissions, comments, or corrections to the Editor at ghs.bark@garfieldptsa.org. The Garfield PTSA distribution reaches over 3000 email addresses and can be a powerful communication tool.
We welcome news on:
- Garfield High School/Seattle Public School District news, events, or information
- Upcoming school concerts, plays, sporting events
- Awards, achievements for Garfield students or staff
- Requests for school or PTSA volunteers, chaperones, help or items for classrooms
- Upcoming student deadlines, dates of tests, etc.
- Scholarships, internships, other student opportunities
- Community news of educational value, or about Garfield students, families or staff or the neighborhood near Garfield High School
Please spell check, make sure that links, web addresses, phone numbers, and the spelling of names are correct, and add a contact person with email or phone number for follow-up questions. Make submissions succinct; we reserve the right to edit for space.
The eBark is intended to be a resource for the Garfield community, however, announcements for outside businesses and organizations may be published if they are clearly of interest to our students or families. All submissions are considered on a case-by-case basis and notifications of whether or not specific submissions will be published are not made.
Listings for any specific commercial or organizational product, process, or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation or favoring by Garfield High School, or the Garfield PTSA.
Thank you for your submissions!