PTSA Positions
Yes, YOU might be about to take on the most-rewarding volunteer role you didn’t know existed. Help the PTSA build community, plug funding gaps at Garfield, support teachers and students … and more. Many Board and other roles are flexible commitments or can focus on one event.
The list below reflects all PTSA positions we hope to fill each year, and not the current openings. What we usually can say: there’s still at least one opening that will fit your interests, including sharing a role with an existing volunteer! Please contact us at for more information about:
Co-Presidents (2 people preferred) — Co-Presidents share responsibilities to lead monthly meetings; organize and direct committees; be primary contact to Principal, Administration, Teachers and Student Leadership for the group.
Treasurer (2 preferred) — Oversee creation of annual budget, processing of income and expenses, and other fiscal duties.
Vice President (1-2) — Collaborate with Co-Presidents on various projects and leading PTSA planning for meetings, events, etc.
Secretary (1-2) — Strategize on various issues; take notes and publish minutes following PTSA meetings; update the PTSA calendar and membership database (easily learned); and lead annual review of bylaws.
Race and Equity Chair (1-2) — Ensure that our practice and policies align with equitable practices; facilitate group discussions during meetings around race and equity; join Garfield’s Racial Equity Team (meets once per month); meet with the communications team once per month to develop and highlight meaningful content; strategize how to be more inclusive of and welcoming to families not currently engaging with PTSA; and recommend facilitators for PTSA leadership retreats.
Parent Reps — Liaisons between families and the PTSA leadership team. Plan a small social activity for families in their grade in the early fall and support either the Spring Fundraiser Committee in May or Grad Night in June. Bring ideas!
- Parent Reps – Grade 9 (2)
- Parent Reps – Grades 10,11,12 (1-2)
Advocacy Chair (1-2) — Organize group communications to district, legislators, and administration to provide strong advocacy; spearhead community meetings on issues when necessary.
Family Support Chair (1-2) — Build a working relationship with GHS support staff; communicate with GHS support staff and PTSA treasurer around gift card and other support needs; discuss any special needs/request/emergency situations and present them to the group for a vote; create and maintain a list of local resources for families (housing, rent/utilities assistance, shelters, food distribution etc.); lead the holiday giving campaign for gift cards and supplemental family support funding.
Spring Fundraiser Co-Chairs (2 preferred) — Calling all party planners, event coordinators, and anyone who loves details! The Spring Fundraiser is our largest fundraising event, and the Co-Chairs are given broad scope in leading the planning to engage families, community and area businesses in supporting our school. Details include communications, procurement, donation tracking with our software, and recruiting volunteers to lighten the load. This work ramps up a few weeks before the celebration, with some follow-up afterward.
Grad Night Chair (1-2) — Grad Night event enables our seniors to celebrate the end of their high school experience in a safe and sober way. The bulk of party planning is carried out by a retained professional event planner while the Grad Night co-chairs coordinate student sign-ups, scheduling and chaperone recruitment. We particularly recommend this position for the parent of a junior. The bulk of the work is in May and June.
Teacher Appreciation Events Chair (1-2) — Collaborate to create joyful moments of indulgence and appreciation for our building staff and faculty throughout the year, including orchestrating Staff/Teacher Appreciation week in May. Supported by PTSA funding. Chair(s) will seek food and related contributions and recruit volunteers.
Finance Chair — Provide guidance to Treasurer(s); serve as lead for annual end-of-year financial review/audit; provide extra set of eyes on monthly bank statements, etc. [Ideal role for former PTSA Treasurer]
eBark Editor or Communications Lead (1) — Become our newsletter editor … or choose from social media, website and/or other tasks to support communications. Among our planned projects: adding language interpretation and translation and broaden our tools for engagement and outreach.
Teacher PTSA Rep (1) — Be the faculty voice to help make sure the PTSA is responsive to the needs of our teaching staff.
Student PTSA Rep (1) — Be a student voice to help make sure the PTSA best understands the needs of our student population.
Building Leadership Team (BLT) Rep (2) — The PTSA has two representatives on the BLT, which brings together a group of administrators, teachers, staff, students and family members to discuss a variety of issues, develop the school’s strategic plan (CSIP) and participate in making recommendations about discretionary budget and other decisions for the school. The BLT also reviews all requests for support from the PTSA Small Grants Fund. The BLT relies on the PTSA Reps to present family views on the issues. Meetings are twice monthly (usually one early morning and one early afternoon).