PTSA Meetings 2023-24

YOU are invited! All PTSA Board and General Meetings are open to everyone in the community.


Board Meetings include a school update by the Principal or other administrator, and discussion of ongoing and upcoming activities, new ideas, the PTSA budget and other business.

General Meetings usually feature a special guest speaker on a topic of wide interest to the Garfield community. They also include a school update by the Principal or other administrator, and discussion of major PTSA business, some of which requires approval by the PTSA membership.


Take a look at meeting materials on this page or previous years. Learn who’s on the Board or how you can take a role.

Unless otherwise noted (such as Feb. 27), meetings start at 6:30 pm and are online, via Zoom. We are still considering a return to in-person meetings (or having both options available).

Meeting links are automatically sent each month to community members who each new year do one of the following:

Meetings are at 6:30 pm unless otherwise noted. (The dates are subject to change. Last updated: 11/14/23)
Type of meeting: B=Board Meeting; G=General Meeting; G&B=Both.
Date Type Meeting Materials
Sept. 12 B Agenda | Meeting Writeup 
Oct. 17 G&B Agendas | Meetings Writeup
Nov. 14 B Agenda | Meeting Writeup
Dec. 12 B Agenda | Meeting Writeup
Jan. 9 B Agenda | Meeting Writeup
Feb. 27-6pm at GHS B Agenda | Meeting Writeup 
March 19 B Agenda | Meeting Writeup
April 16
6pm at GHS
G&B Agendas | Meeting Writeup
May 14 B Agenda | Meeting Writeup
June 11 G&B Agendas | Meetings Writeup
Useful links: Garfield PTSA Standing Rules (bylaws) | State PTA Bylaws, etc.