Remote Learning Attendance Policy and Form

SPS and GHS have updated Attendance Policies for remote learning.

For GHS absences, an Attendance Form must be submitted within two days of the student returning and logging into classes.

Note that you must email your student’s teachers if and when your student is NOT able to log in REMOTELY on any given school day. If a student receives an automated messenger call OR email for period(s) where they were NOT absent, the student needs to talk to the teacher. The Attendance Office WILL NOT make changes requested by the student or parent/guardian; they must be notified by the teacher.

Full details on the GHS Attendance Policy, as well as instructions for submitting an attendance form for excused absences are available at:

SPS has updated the absence policy to excuse absences due to the following COVID-19 causes:

  • Student or family health issues
  • Caring for a family member
  • Student’s employment or other family obligations during scheduled school hours
  • Lack of necessary instructional tools (e.g., internet connectivity)
  • Parent work schedule

More information on SPS Remote Learning Attendance is available at: