Remember to Complete Student Data Verification Form on The Source by JAN. 5!
The student data verification form, which is typically sent out at the start of the school year, is now online. Parents and Guardians will use The Source to access this form.
The 2017-18 form will be available from Nov. 30, 2017 through Jan. 5, 2018.
The student data verification form gives parents and guardians the opportunity to update emergency and medical information for their student.
Parent and Guardian Process to Complete the Form
Families are encouraged to complete this form as soon as possible to ensure Seattle Public Schools has current student information including emergency contact information.
Families without Internet access at home, can contact their student’s school for a paper copy of the form or visit public libraries and community centers to use a computer to complete the process. Visit the City of Seattle website for a list of where to go for free access to computers and the Internet.
If you have questions, please contact your student’s school office.
To fill out your student’s data verification form please sign into The Source and click Data Verification Form.
- The system allows for only one data verification form to be submitted per student. If another legal guardian has initiated filling out the data verification form, you will receive an error indicating that the form is associated with another account.
- If you have multiple students at the district, you will fill out a data verification form for each student.
New to The Source? The Source provides access to student record information such as attendance, assessment scores, library information, classes, and now the student data verification form.
To set up an account, parents and guardians will use the email address that is currently on record at their student’s school. Read more about The Source including how to set up your account.
Next School Year
Starting next fall, the form will be available every September for back to school updates. The online form, powered by InfoSnap, replaces the paper form sent home at the beginning of each school year.
The system is a secure and green process. It enables the district to verify all student demographic, emergency and medical information for enrolled students.