2019-20 AP Testing Registration Deadline is November 1

The Advanced Placement (AP) program is a College Board program allowing students in comprehensive high schools to access college-level curriculum and prepare for their post-secondary transition. Students who take AP tests may earn college credit, depending on their score and the college they plan to attend.

The College Board has changed its Advanced Placement policies for the 2019-20 school year. Registration will now take place in the fall for spring testing. Previously, students registered for the tests, which take place in May, in early spring. Seattle Public Schools students must now register to take their AP exams by November 1, 2019.

Students eligible for free or reduced lunch are also eligible for an AP Fee Waiver and should complete an updated Free and Reduced Lunch Form for 2019-20. The fee to take an AP Exam at Seattle Public Schools is $102 per exam.

Instructions on how to register for AP exams are here:

For more information about Advanced Placement courses and testing dates, please talk to the AP Coordinator at your school or visit the College Board website.

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