2021 Career Center and Testing Updates
Career Center Updates
College Admission Presentations
Garfield will have both in-person and virtual visits on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during lunch from September 28th-December 2nd. Please use RepVisits via Naviance to register or schedule visits.
Career Center
The 2021-22 school year will feature hybrid model workshops & drop-ins on Wednesdays after school.
For more college & career content, visit the Garfield YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRzpuWmdc-fnmsXASBKehtQ/videos
Seattle Public Schools plans to administer in-person, school-day testing this year. Most exams take place at the Garfield gym.
*Please note most colleges and universities have gone test-optional or test-blind for admission until at least Fall 2023. To learn more, check individual undergraduate admission websites for the latest updates.
Testing Accommodation Requests (SSD)
ANY and ALL students wanting to request testing accommodations can work with 504/IEP counselor Ray Willis at rewillis@seattleschools.org. Please allow several weeks to process and complete your request.
Important SSD Request Deadlines:
PSAT Deadline- August 17
SAT Deadline- August 24
For More SSD Information, click here: https://accommodations.collegeboard.org/
Fall Test Dates
PSAT- October 13th for Grades 10th & 11th
SAT-October 13th for Grade 12 Only
Spring Test Dates
SAT- March 2nd for Grade 11 only
For more SAT test dates, click here: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register/dates-deadlines
AP Test Dates
Week One- May 2nd-6th
Week Two- May 9th-13th
For Individual exam dates, please click here: