
Schedule of SBA, AP, Other Tests

Garfield has set dates (subject to change) for administering standardized tests that typically occur in spring.

Teachers will be alerting students to specific testing times, days and locations. If a student has an IEP or 504 Plan, it may be prudent to verify with teachers or other staff that the relevant accommodations will be available.

To be provided with accommodations for the AP exams, a student must ask the school to apply for approval by the test’s owner, the College Board. (This deadline was in January. The approval is needed even if SPS has already provided them during normal instruction. An approval will apply to all future College Board tests.)

Test Dates
WIDA March 5 & 7
SBA ELA (Grade 10) April 22-26
AP Testing (further date info) May 6-17
WCAS (Grade 11) May 17
AP Testing Make-up May 22-24
SBA Math (Grade 10) May 27-31
SBA & WCAS Make-Up June 3-7



WIDA: English language proficiency assessment

SBA: Smarter Balanced Assessment (Washington’s basic standardized LA and Math tests)

AP: Advanced Placement, subject-based tests that can lead to college credit

WCAS: Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science