Fright Function Dance! Volunteers Needed — Friday, Nov. 3

The ASG is proud to present Fright Function, the first dance at GHS in over a decade!

Friday, Nov. 3 from 8-11 PM in the GHS Commons!

Dress Up or Dress Up (Costume or Formal Wear)

THANK YOU! All chaperones have now been signed up! If you have not done so already please contact Volunteer Coordinator Kris Morada to complete the necessary volunteer paperwork at Please email Sarah Antoncich at to help.

If you can’t volunteer, can you donate Halloween decorations or candy? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE

Tickets are $5, or $3 with ASB sticker or Free/Reduced Lunch Letter. GHS ID required!

Dream Dresses — Dream Dresses is a program at Garfield that provides FREE dresses for all students. If students are in need of attire for the dance, please come down to the Activities Center to secure your attire. We have a variety of sizes and colors.

Guest Passes — Guest Passes are available now in the Activities Center and in the Main office. They must be turned in to the main office by Tuesday, Oct. 31. GHS students must bring GHS ID to the dance. Guests must have photo ID. 

Ticket sales will be all week, please bring student ID! If students have a lost ID, we will be able to print a new one out in the ASB room during lunch. If a student has never had one, they can have it printed out for free, however if they lost it and are in the system, it will cost $5. There are a limited amount of tickets available, so it’s best to buy them early to secure a ticket.

Spirit Days:

Monday 10/30 — Mix it up: mismatched attire

Tuesday 10/31 — Costume Day: Please stay within the guidelines of the dress code, no masks that cover your face, no weapons, and NO CLOWNS. 

Wednesday 11/1 — Think Pink: Show support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Thursday 11/2 — Color Wars: Purple and White! 9th/12th Graders wear Purple and 10th/11th Graders wear White

Friday 11/3 — Jersey day: Represent your favorite sports team (local, national or global) by wearing jerseys on Friday!