High School Boundary Updates and Survey
Dear Seattle Public Schools Families,
Seattle Public Schools will open Lincoln High School in September 2019. Lincoln will be an attendance area high school serving students based on where they live. This requires drawing an attendance area for the new high school and reassigning students from other high school areas.
Ingraham High School will also have a significant capacity increase in 2019 with the construction of an addition. This is also being considered as new high school boundaries are drawn.
Thank you to the many families who attended regional open house meetings to talk about the boundary change process. We are continuing to seek feedback as we make additional adjustments to the boundaries before bringing a proposal to the School Board for approval.
This survey is an opportunity for you to share your top priorities as we make adjustments to the current boundary scenarios and provide any additional feedback that should be considered by district staff and the School Board. The listed priorities include those developed by the High School Boundary Task Force and values shared by families, staff and students at the recent community meetings. The survey will close on November 27.
Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey
Adjustments will be made to the boundary scenarios based on feedback from families via email, the survey, open house meetings, and other channels. Adjustments will also be made in response to any School Board approved changes to the Highly Capable (HC) pathways. If changes are made to high school HC pathways they will be implemented in the 2019-20 school year in alignment with the opening of Lincoln High School.
Next Steps: It is anticipated that a proposal will be presented at the School Board Operations Committee meeting on December 7, 2017 and final approval of the boundary changes will take place on January 17, 2018. For more background information on the high school boundary change process visit our High School Boundary Changes webpage. A Lincoln High School Frequently Asked Questions document is at the link belowl.
For questions or comments please email growthboundaries@seattleschool
Thank you.
Enrollment Planning