Highly Capable Services Advisory Committee – Open Positions, Upcoming Meetings and District Survey on High School HC Pathways

The Highly Capable Services Advisory Committee is gearing up for the year and we have a number of open positions to be filled. The committee includes parent representatives from each school that houses the Highly Capable Cohort. Reps attend monthly meetings during the course of the school year and meeting this are held the first Tuesday of the month, beginning in November.

Nominations are now being accepted for the following parent representative positions:

Cascadia Elementary

Decatur Elementary

Fairmount Park Elementary

Eagle Staff Middle School

Hamilton International Middle School

Madison Middle School

Garfield High School

Ingraham High School

Please use the Highly Capable Services Advisory Committee_Nomination Form_2017 to apply and send to the HCS AC Chair, Jeanne Thompson at Priority will be given to applications received by Friday, Oct. 20.

The first Advisory Committee meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 7. Additional details about the meeting times and places with be coming soon.

Also, please note that High School Boundaries are a priority in the District this fall. If you received an email from the District regarding the High School HC Pathways (grades 5-12 parents), please register with ThoughtExchange and provide your feedback concerning High School Advanced Learning opportunities. The deadline is Wednesday, Oct. 4.