Archived VolunteerGHS

Invitation to Apply for Information Technology Advisory Committee

Deadline to submit is May 11, 2018

Dear families,

The Seattle Public Schools School Board and Department of Information Technology are working to establish an Information Technology Advisory Committee (iTAC) in order to plan for future funding and increase community engagement around technology decisions. The committee will consist of 18 members from both the community and employee groups.

The committee will be asked to make recommendations on the scope and priority of technology projects, to provide feedback regarding project implementation, and to help ensure the work being done aligns with the district’s overall strategic goals. Pending School Board approval on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 the committee will be meeting the third Monday of the month at the JSCEE beginning in May.

To read the complete charge in its current draft and for additional information or to apply for the committee, please visit the iTAC page.

John Krull

Chief Information Officer