Large Grants

This process is temporarily suspended. Contact us at to learn whether funding might be available for a project with expenses larger than acceptable in the Small Grants process.

Funding: Proposals for funding over $2,500 are part of the PTSA budget process but can be awarded throughout the year depending upon available funds.

Proposal deadlines: Early spring for the next school year’s funding cycle.  Specific dates are set by the PTSA Budget Committee.

Process: Complete the large grants form and attach a clear, detailed budget. Secure required faculty/advisor approval signatures. Turn in hard copy to the PTSA box in the front office, or email a Word doc or PDF to

NOTE: Grants over $5000 require signature of letter of agreement to report progress against grantees goals to PTSA leadership. Grantee will work with the large grant committee to schedule their progress presentation at a PTSA meeting.

Contact with questions.

Please download these forms to apply for a Large Grant

Letter of Agreement to Large Grantees

GHS PTSA Large Grant Questionnaire – Application