Letter from Incoming Superintendent Denise Juneau

Dear Seattle Public Schools families:

I am so honored and excited to start my new position as superintendent of Seattle Public Schools on July 1. I am inspired by the passion and commitment of the community, staff and our students to public education.

Access to public education and public service are values I inherited from my mom and dad. My father was an educator, counselor, principal and served as the superintendent on the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana. My mom was an educator and director of Browning Montana’s first alternative school. Later, she was elected to the Montana Legislature as a representative and then senator.

I have worked in public education for most of my career, first as a classroom teacher and most recently as the superintendent of public instruction for the state of Montana. I know firsthand the transformational power of a great education and have seen the positive difference it makes for individuals, families and communities. I am deeply committed to ensuring every student in Seattle graduates prepared for college, career and community.

The primary lesson I learned from my work as state superintendent is that positive change can happen in communities large and small – but the work must be done in partnership with the community. During the next few months, I look forward to listening and learning.

On July 1, I will launch a comprehensive entry plan. There will be numerous opportunities for families, staff, community partners, business leaders and most importantly young people to share what is working and what areas of the district need attention. You will be able to find my entry plan, biography and contact information on the superintendent webpage starting July 1. Upcoming engagement opportunities will be posted to the district’s website and social media sites. If you have not already, please connect with us via Facebook and Twitter.

Finally, as the district closes out the 2017-18 school year, I want to congratulate the district’s graduating seniors. This week, 3,500 students will earn their diploma from Seattle Public Schools. Many people have supported these students along their educational journey from kindergarten to graduation. Thank you. Graduates are leaving us with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in the next phase of their life. Please help me in congratulating our seniors and wishing them well on this next step in their journey!

I look forward to connecting with you soon, and I am so excited to be serving the families, students and staff of Seattle Public Schools. I truly believe that together we can make Seattle Public Schools the best public education system in the nation – providing every student the education and future they deserve.


denise juneau

Denise Juneau
Incoming superintendent of Seattle Public Schools
Video message from Superintendent Juneau:

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