College & CareerSPS-District News

2024-25 Naviance Opt-Out Window Aug. 26-Sept. 27

Seattle Public Schools offers an annual month-long window for families to opt their students out of using Naviance, the online college and career planning tool.

This year’s window is Aug. 26 – Sept. 27. Scroll down for how to opt out.


Students in grades 6-12 primarily use Naviance to explore colleges and career paths, analyze talents and skills with personality and career assessments, and understand financial options for college. Other features include resume and portfolio development for job and college applications.

Students have year-round access to Naviance. Parents and guardians can also create accounts for view-only access, plus the ability to add colleges to your student’s prospective college list. Naviance can help families research career and college possibilities with your student, help your student take ownership of the college and career planning process, and stay up-to-date on time sensitive dates.

How to Opt Out of Naviance

Parent guardians, non-parent guardians, and students who are 18 years or older may opt out of Naviance Aug. 26 – Sept. 27, 2024.

Follow the following steps:

  1. Log into the Source (the SPS student information portal)
  2. Choose “Preferences”
  3. Under “Application Preferences” click on Naviance to display the online form
  4. Document your decision and click “Submit.” You will receive an email confirmation for your records

If you need a way to opt out other than through the Source, please call 206-743-3600 and leave a voice message or email