Naviance Opt-Out Window — Sept. 4-19

Student Data and Opt-out Information

For staff and students to have full access to the tools in Naviance, some student data needs to be shared with the program. Students also can add information as they interact with the tool. The district thoroughly vetted Naviance’s policies and practices with respect to preserving data security and student privacy. Families may choose to opt their students out of using this tool.

Opt-Out Window

The first opt out window for Fall 2018 was open from June 4 until June 22, 2018.

A second window is open September 4 through September 19. Once the second opt-out window opens, parents and guardians can opt out their 8th – 12th grade student out of Naviance by updating preferences in the Source.

Read more about Naviance at Seattle Public Schools and opt-out instructions.