New High School Boundaries

Dear Seattle Public Schools families,

On Jan. 31, 2018, the School Board approved attendance area boundaries for Lincoln High School, as well as changes to the attendance areas for Ballard, Ingraham and Roosevelt high schools. Additionally, they approved changes to the high school highly capable pathways, and north dual language immersion pathway.

Lincoln High School will open in Fall 2019 as an attendance area school to provide more high school capacity in the north end of the city and relieve crowding at Ballard High School and Roosevelt High School over time. The final boundaries approved for Lincoln balance the priorities from families and those outlined in the district’s Student Assignment Plan. Lincoln will open with students in grades 9 and 10 in 2019-20 and add one additional grade each year until it serves all grades 9-12 in 2021-22. Any student may continue to apply to another high school through school choice. School choice begins Feb. 5 for the 2018-19 school year.

Additionally, beginning in 2019-20, there will be three highly capable pathways: a north pathway at Lincoln High School, a central/southeast pathway at Garfield High School and a southwest pathway at West Seattle High School. The IBX program at Ingraham High School remains as an optional pathway.

A change to the north dual language immersion pathway was approved. Lincoln will be the new dual language immersion pathway school beginning in 2019-20.

If you are in any of the high school boundary change areas, have highly capable students or have students in the dual language immersion pathway, you will receive a message with more specific information. You can also read information about all of these changes and see maps of the new attendance areas on our district website.

We would like to thank the many families who participated in the process of developing the new high school boundaries and expanded high school highly capable pathways. Additional information including an overview of the engagement process can be found on the High School Boundary webpage. Your participation and thoughtful feedback was valuable to the staff and School Board.


Enrollment Planning Department and Teaching and Learning Division

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