Archived PTSA

PTSA Board Meeting — Thursday, Jan. 11

The next Garfield Community PTSA Board meeting will be Thursday, Jan. 11 from 6:30 – 8 PM in the GHS Library. All are welcome to attend!

Board members

Barbara Rockey,Co-Chair | Lisa Fitzhugh, Co-Chair | Sally Hulsman, Secretary | Steve Orser, Treasurer | David Brannon Cirone, Community Building/Outreach Chair |Fiona Preedy, Communication Chair | Caryn Gold, Events Chair | Anita Adams, Equity Advisior | Zelma Zieman/ Sharmila Williams, BLT, Theo Cielos, Grad Night Chair


Time Item Members/Guest
6:30 Welcome Barbara Rockey
6:35 Approve Notes and Minutes from October and December Sally Hulsman
6:40 Treasurer’s Report Steve Orser
6:45 ASB Report ASB Rep
6:55 Equity Moment Anita Adams
7:05 Community Program Presentation: Your Voice, Your Choice Amy Nguyen, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
7:20 Link Crew Update Andrew Woodworth and Maeve Hulsman-Wells
7:30 Chairs Report Outs


Grad Night Chair Theo Cielos

Volunteer Coordinator Kris Morada

Any/All Chairs Present
7:50 Call for PTSA board support Barbara Rockey
Call for Chairs to fill: Special Projects, Community Outreach, Event Support

Call for PTSA Teacher Rep: Support for replacement process

7:55 Garfield Cares: Update on Partnership Theo Cielos
8:05 General Meeting Planning and Support: Jan 25th Barbara and Lisa
8:20 Administration Updates Barbara Rockey
8:30 Adjourn Barbara Rockey