
Closer Look at Your Student’s SBA Test Scores

Top of an SBA Family ReportResults of spring 2023 Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) are available as part of a “Family Report” now accessible in The Source. These tests were taken by current 9th- and 11th-graders.

SBA testing is one of several “pathways” for satisfying part of the state’s graduation requirements. Counselors last month began consulting with students who are not on track to graduate.  See this information or contact your student’s counselor.

How do I get the report?

To see SBA scores and Family Reports from any recent year a student was tested, parents and caregivers should log into The Source. Choose the “Assessments” tab (to the left of the screen on the desktop computer view) and on the next page, choose “View State Assessment Scores.” The next page should offer the scores from previous tests and an option to download one or more “Family Reports.”