SPS Inclement Weather Information
Dear Seattle Public Schools Families:
From time to time, inclement weather may change the normal schedule at your student’s school. As winter approaches, now is a good time to review how you will receive urgent weather information from Seattle Public Schools and how to manage your communication preferences.
Staying Informed
If weather conditions make a schedule change necessary, the district will communicate the decision through the following methods and in this order:
- Local media: Checking local television or radio stations is the most effective and efficient way to find out if there is a schedule change. As soon as there is a decision to delay or cancel school, we notify the local media outlets. Local stations include KOMO 4 TV and KOMO AM 1000 radio; KING 5 TV; KIRO 7 TV and KIRO 97.3 FM radio.
- Facebook and Twitter: Facebook.com/
SeattlePublicSchools and Twitter.com/seapubschools. - District website
- Phone calls, emails, text message, app notifications: Families will receive a phone call and an email; however other communication methods may be faster.
Directions on how to manage your preferences, sign up for text messages, and download our app can be found on our Communications Preferences webpage.
Finally, per our collective bargaining agreement, we have three snow makeup days: Jan. 31, June 25 and June 26 Jan. 30, June 21, June 24. Because makeup days are negotiated with our labor partner, Seattle Education Association, we need to follow the contract as well as ensure students have 180 contact days in school. Please be aware of these dates when making vacation and family plans.
If you have other questions regarding these communication procedures,
If you have other comments or concerns, please email publicaffairs@
Seattle Public Schools
Dear SPS families,
We sent out an “Inclement weather information” message last night, and there were some errors in the snow make-up dates.
Please note that the possible snow make-up days for this school year are January 30, 2019, June 21, 2019 and June 24, 2019, as reflected on the School Calendar for 2018-19. These dates are held in the event of a snow day – if there is a snow day, we will inform families which of these dates will be utilized as a make-up day.
We apologize for any confusion the previous message may have caused.
Office of Public Affairs