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Students Elect New Leaders

Congratulations to the many newly elected Officers of Garfield’s school-wide government and for each class.

Each student will join ASB leadership class 3rd period starting 2nd semester (unless their schedule prevents). The entire group will meet in January to be oriented, with support from Athletics and Activities Director Tiffany Bigham.

Associated Students of Garfield (full school leadership)
President  Shae Huppert
VP  Linnea Johnson
Secretary  Brooklyn Brooks
Class of 2024 Officers
President  Sarai Smalls
VP  Amariyanna “Boogie” Fields
Secretary  Trinity Felitz
Class of 2025 Officers
President  Nyshae Griffin
VP  Isatou Kanny
Secretary  Naomi Abraha
Class of 2026 Officers
President  Rara Parramore
VP  Clay Stauffer
Secretary  Vivian Nguyen
Class of 2027 Officers
President  Kaitlyn Washington
VP  Hailey Eacker
Secretary  Marni Farrell-Sheffer