
Student Ideas Needed on ‘Well-Resourced’ School

question marksThe District is asking students to weigh in on what a “well-resourced” school is. Deadline to take the 4-question survey is Sunday, March 31.

The survey responses are supposed to help District leaders grappling with budget deficits decide how to adjust staffing, building uses (including closures), and other elements of SPS operations.

Students will need to log in to their SPS email account to see the instructions that were sent on March 19. The info included the following:

Well-Resourced Schools Survey
While you will need to use your SPS student Microsoft Office 365 account to access the survey, your participation is confidential.
Please provide your feedback before Sunday, March 31.
How Your Feedback Will Be Used
Last summer and fall, our district held a series of community meetings to gather feedback about our community vision of the future of Seattle Public Schools. While we heard from many adults, we need to hear from students what you envision for the future of our schools!
This spring Dr. Jones, the SPS superintendent, will be presenting a plan to the Seattle School Board to create a system of well-resourced schools – a new vision for Seattle Public Schools. We want to be sure student voices are well represented in that plan.
Learn more about the Well-Resourced Schools Community Conversations on the SPS website.