Upcoming Fall 2018 College & Career Center Events
Please remind your students of these upcoming events in the College & Career Center:
Monday-Friday Oct. 22-26: College App Week
- Seniors come to the career center to fill out college applications with assistance
- Monday-Friday after school until 5 PM
Monday, Oct. 29: Winter Opportunities Fair
- Helps students from all grades get jobs & service hours over winter break
- Teachers will bring their classes, 9 AM – 1 PM in GHS Commons
Friday, Nov. 2: NACAC College Fair Field Trip
- Field trip for juniors & seniors to visits colleges from all over the world
- During school from 9 AM – 12:30 PM
- Sign-up with Ms. Tiffany in College & Career Center, room 103
- Permission slips & Registration due on Friday, Oct. 26
Sunday, Nov. 4: UNCF Black College Fair
- Local & Historically Black Colleges & Universities present for all-ages, community fair
- 12 – 4 PM in Garfield Gym
- Food, music and prizes!
- Sign-up with Ms. Tiffany in College & Career Center, room 103
Contact Tiffany Bigham, tlbigham@seattleschools.org, (206) 252-2444