Welcome New Families
Welcome new families to Garfield High School! You come from many schools, of many backgrounds, and soon GHS will be your new home as a proud Bulldog. Garfield welcomes your family. The Link Crew will welcome your kids. The Admin team and the teachers are gearing up for a great year.
Garfield will be offering the Bulldog Summer Academy for incoming 9th Graders from July 10 – August 4, Mon-Fri, 8 AM – 1 PM. Don’t miss out on getting to know your new school and new classmates while you earn 0.5 elective credit towards graduation. Classes are taught by Garfield teachers and University of Washington professors. You’ll participate in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) class as well as Humanities (Language Arts and Social Studies) class. Registration information here. Deadline is June 26.
Garfield has something for all your kids. So many clubs and activities to try out including art, sports, music, journalism, a new photography studio, dance, theater, debate, robotics, horticulture – the list is 100 strong at least.
Here are a few things going on next year:
- Honors for All for 9th grade Humanities classes are in their 2nd year, and the administration and teachers continue to build on the successes of last year. Expect some great teamwork and team building
- Advisory: GHS is introducing Advisory. It will be four times per week, at 40 minutes each. Each advisory will have a teacher and contain all four grades of students. Two days will be designated for travel (that is, students getting a pass from a teacher to come to that teacher’s advisory for extra help/etc.), one day for team-building/bonding, and one for curriculum. More details will be delivered from the school
The PTSA keeps you updated on a weekly basis with Garfield news and activities through their eBark newsletter. Sign up here to get a head start.
The PTSA’s work at Garfield is to support the teachers, build community, keep you up to date on important activities, and advocate on behalf of students and parents. We welcome you to join us. Email president@garfieldptsa.org to join our team, learn and work with us to help make Garfield an amazing place.
See you in the fall for a welcome BBQ for 9th graders and their families to meet and learn more about GHS and student life! Go Bulldogs!
Garfield HS PTSA