Wow! We Donated Over $5,500 of Gift Cards! THANK YOU!
Hi Garfield community partners,
Here is a snapshot of the impact that your donations are having on Garfield students and families:
- Over $5,500 worth of gift cards have been distributed as of 12/15/2017
- Over 200 students and families have been supported
- We are working with several organizations (including local churches, PTSA and others), alumni groups, individual donors (including students!) who have graciously and generously donated their time and finances to support our students and families in need
- Some of the difficult situations that our students and families have encountered this year include:
- homelessness and unstable housing
- parents who have lost jobs
- families who have had difficulty paying for graduation caps & gowns, clothing, hygiene products, groceries, sports equipment, etc.
- 3 families who have had house fires and lost their homes, either permanently or for long periods of time
- at least 4 families who have had family members experience violent deaths
It has been a privilege for us to walk alongside these amazing young people who are strong, resilient, caring, and sweet. Your partnership and support allow us provide for crucial material needs that impact their lives. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to supporting our students in need. We look forward to the new year and new possibilities for partnership and community building.
Please contact me directly if you have questions, thoughts, ideas, or just to say hello!
Take care,
Daniel W. Lee
Garfield High School, Head Counselor