Archived PTSA

Washington State PTA Legislative Assembly — Oct. 20-21

Dear PTA leaders and members,

On behalf of your Washington State PTA board of directors and staff, I would like to invite you to attend the 39th annual WSPTA Legislative Assembly taking place October 20-21, 2017 at the Hotel Murano in Tacoma.

At WSPTA Legislative Assembly, you will discover the power PTA has to advocate for every child – the whole child – regardless of race, creed, gender, or zip code. You will learn about advocacy at all levels, network with other PTA members, and add your PTA’s voice to our platform for the coming year.

Your voice is essential to the success of WSPTA’s member-driven platform – make sure to join us so you can be heard! Feel free to contact the WSPTA office or your region director if you have any questions. Keep up the great work for kids. We are looking forward to seeing you at Legislative Assembly!


Michelle Nims, President

Voting Information

During Legislative Assembly, delegates will have the opportunity to debate, amend, and vote on the addition of four long-term Resolutions and seven short-term Issues to the WSPTA Platform.  The Guide to Proposed Resolutions and Legislative Issues contains information needed to familiarize yourself with these proposals.

Registration and Cost

Only paid 2017-2018 WSPTA members and students can attend the 2017 Legislative Assembly. The cost to attend remains the same as last year.

Dinner Friday evening is included at no additional cost. A cash bar is available.