Come Enjoy Award-Winning Student Art at Naramore Show at Seattle Art Museum

Naramore Art Show 2018

The Naramore Art Show celebrates over 200 artworks by Seattle Public Schools middle and high school students at the Seattle Art Museum’s First Floor Community Corridor — and it’s FREE!

Exhibition dates:
April 4 – May 27
, 10 AM – 5 PM 

Awards Ceremony & Teen Night Out:
May 4, 2018
, 6 – 7 PM

Seattle Public Schools has held the Naramore Art Show since 1985 to celebrate the success of our highest achieving arts students and share their learning with our community.

Congratulations to the young artists whose tremendous talent shines in the annual Seattle Public School Naramore Middle and High School Art Exhibition! The exhibition bears the last name of Floyd J. Naramore, an architect who designed local public schools from 1919–1941. Seattle Public Schools (SPS) and Seattle Art Museum are very proud to celebrate these students’ creativity with their families, SPS art specialists, and the broader community.

Come to a reception and awards ceremony on Friday, May 4 @ 6 PM to honor all participants, then stay for Teen Night Out afterward!