Come to the 9th Grade Class Party This Saturday, April 21!
Hello Fellow Class of 2021 Parents!
Mingle with fellow parents of the GHS Class of 2021 this Saturday, April 21 for food, drinks, sparkling conversation and – hopefully – nice spring weather.
The festivities will take place in the Madrona neighborhood at the home of Cassandra Johnston, a fellow GHS Class of 2021 parent, from 7 – 10 pm.
This casual event is hosted by several Garfield 9th grade parents and serves as a fundraiser for the Garfield PTSA. It is also a chance to connect with fellow parents, compare notes, and so on. Tickets are $50 per person. Tickets were sold at the Purple and White Gala, so if you have already bought one, we look forward to seeing you. If not, you can sign up here:
You can also pay by check (made out to the GHS PTSA).
We hope to see you on Saturday!
Bonnie Rochman and Rachel Gleeson
GHS 9th Grade Parent Representatives