
‘Community Conversation’ about Garfield for 8th-grade families

Garfield's front lobby has a bulldog statue
Is this bulldog in your student’s future?

Parents and caregivers of Garfield-bound or Garfield-curious 8th-graders are invited to gather for a casual parent-to-parent conversation about the school on Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024, 6:30-8 pm in the Multipurpose Room at Garfield Community Center (2323 E. Cherry St). 

Hear from current families, bring your questions, meet your future Garfield community! Please spread the word to other 8th-grade families who might be interested.

This gathering is intended for adults (little ones too young to stay home are welcome, of course, but there won’t be child care). 

Questions? Contact parent-volunteer Emily Lieberman at emilylieberman@outlook.com

OPEN HOUSE at the school is being planned for Nov/Dec.

Bring your students to Garfield High School’s Open House (info session and tours) later this fall. More details to come.