
Greetings from the Volunteer Coordinator

Greetings from your Volunteer Coordinator!!

My name is Jhitana (Jit-Thona) Ball! I am super excited to be in this new position! My role is to be the bridge between the school needs, parents, faculty, and community.

This position will allow you, the parents, and guardians of Garfield students, to participate in any capacity.

We are looking to create a diverse program where our volunteers reflect our students and their needs. With the possibility this encourages everyone to engage within programs.

Dr. Hart and I will be working closely to prioritize the needs of the students, and the Garfield community.

  • If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, have a trade you’ll like to teach, or any ideas on where you’d like to see volunteers at/or doing. I encourage you to clink on the link and start the process.
  • If you’re already a volunteer and would like to start volunteering, please send me an email.
  • Lastly, if you are unsure and have questions and/or ideas please feel free to email!

In partnership,

Jhitana Ball
