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Oct. 11 free SAT for GHS Seniors

Logo of SAT and the College Board acornThis year’s free, school-day SAT college entrance exam for all seniors will be Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. The school will handle registration for all students, and a special bell schedule and other details will be announced in September.

  • The District offers further information about the test and preparation for it.
  • Aug. 22 deadline for students with a 504 plan or IEP who wish accommodations (extra time, etc.) on the Oct. 11 SAT must submit a request to the College Board. More info.
  • Garfield parent Emily Lieberman has experience with the accommodations-request process and can be contacted for support.
  • A qualifying score on the SAT can be used as a graduation pathway for ELA and/or math. Current qualifying scores are 410 for ELA and 430 for math.

Note: SPS will provide a free digital in-school PSAT exam for juniors on date(s) TBA in mid- to late October. This exam also makes student eligible for a certain college scholarships.