PTSA Small Grant Awards
We are pleased to announce that the Garfield Building Leadership Team (BLT) recently approved the following three small grants funded by the PTSA:
• The Counseling Department will receive $3,000 to design and create a Calming Room, where students and staff can come to de-escalate, re-group, and be refreshed if they are having rough day and need some coping resources. Counselors also plan to lead mindfulness practices and other educational workshops in this space.
• The ELL/Multilingual Department will receive $1,000 to assemble a Native Language Reader Library to increase students’ biliteracy skills, confidence in reading, and self-awareness of home country, culture, and language.
• The school will receive $650 to purchase a Portable Sound System, which can be used by staff members throughout the building whenever amplification is needed.
PTSA small grants are made possible by your generous contributions to the Annual Fund. Learn more the donate here: