UPDATED! Purple & White Day Volunteers Needed — Friday, June 7

Be part of the student fun on Purple & White Day, Friday, June 7, and volunteer to help with Garfield’s annual BBQ!  

5-8 people are needed between 10 AM – 2 PM, especially from 1 – 2 PM. Food served 1 – 1:40 PM

Help lunchroom staff prep food, set up plates/cutlery and stock the food service area. Please contact lunchroom manager Rachel Kayne directly to sign up, at If you help hand out plates with buns and are around until 2 or so you can have access to leftovers!

PLEASE NOTE: In light of the weather forecast, the BBQ will be set up indoors. The menu will be the same but all the BBQ items will be at the head of the Commons (on the side of the lunchroom). Custodial says there is no outdoor shelter for grilling, so it is very likely all the burgers and hot dogs will not be grilled. Crisis averted, next time you see David Hodson, our amazing custodian…thank him. He came up with a perfect plan to be able to break out the grills! We’ll still be serving it all inside. The BBQ is STILL on, and free of charge for all currently-enrolled students!