Q&A On Garfield Course Registration
Is your student ready to wisely choose 2023-24 courses by the Feb. 28 deadline? Join Assistant Principal Regina Carr and experienced parents on Thursday, February 16, at 8pm, via Zoom, for an informal “Q&A on Garfield Course Registration.”
Does your student understand the available options, including some not listed on the course worksheet? We’ll share tips and knowledge of how course selection is important not only for next year, but also graduation requirements, student motivation/success, college applications and more.Garfield HS PTSA is inviting you to a Zoom meeting for Garfield parents and caregivers: “Q&A on Course Registration”8 pm, Feb 16, 2023https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89089068410?pwd=bExwWTlaZDB3Z1dLclhVZmNYOVlSUT09#successMeeting ID: 890 8906 8410Passcode: 955193One tap mobile+12532050468,,89089068410#,,,,*955193# USGarfield PTSA is co-hosting a course registration roundtable on Thursday, February 16, at 8pm, via Zoom.