Update: Register, Pay for AP Exams by Nov. 9
Update: Garfield’s Advanced Placement (AP) Exams registration and payment deadline has been extended to Thursday, Nov. 9, at 5 pm. (Had been Nov. 6, but the school has acknowledged the delays in access to the necessary options on SchoolPay. Changes made below are in red.)
Please read all of the steps for registering AND paying for AP Exams. The standard Seattle Public Schools fee per exam is $118, plus a 3.99% transaction fee.
Is your student financially eligible for Free Lunch?
A reduced fee of $20 is available when you pay on SchoolPay.
Follow these steps to register and pay for each AP Exam.
- STUDENTS (STEP 1): Sign in to myap.collegeboard.org and enroll in each AP class section using the unique join code provided by your AP teachers. Note: Students must create a College Board account if they have not already done so.
- STUDENTS (STEP 2): For each AP Exam, by 5 pm, Thursday, Nov. 9, confirm your registration status on myap.collegeboard.org, by selecting “Yes.” If left as “No” or “Undecided,” an exam will not be ordered.
PARENTS (STEP 3): Pay for AP Exam(s) through the SchoolPay feature that is a tab available within The Source (use Parent/Guardian sign-on). The full payment must be made by 5 pm, Thursday, Nov. 9.
If you are viewing The Source “grades and attendance” page, you may need to click to expand the lefthand “sidebar” list of links.
Note: SchoolPay is a for-profit company that charges a 3.99% fee for credit card transactions of $50 or more. The fee is a flat $1.99 for $15-$49.99.
At this time, other forms of payment are not accepted at Garfield.
For students who cancel an exam BEFORE March 15, 2024, it is possible to receive a partial refund of $78 (if you paid $118). No refunds after March 15, 2024.
Additional information
- Students in AP courses are NOT required to take the corresponding AP Exams.
- AP Exams will be in person at Garfield May 6-10 and 13-17, 2024, ONLY for students who have properly registered and paid for exams.
- Visit the AP Exams College Board website for a wide variety of information, including specific dates for each AP Exam.
- Please direct questions to your student’s teacher or to Garfield’s AP Coordinator, Assistant Principal Gregory Barnes.
Accommodations for students with 504 plan or IEP
Families must apply to the College Board for accommodations (extra time or other support) EVEN IF A STUDENT ALREADY IS APPROVED for accommodations at a Seattle Public School.
The deadline for the AP Exams accommodations request is Jan. 18, 2024. Garfield parent Emily Lieberman has experience with the application process and is willing to answer questions.
Read the College Board overview of how to request accommodations.
Is it worth it?
Students who are successful on one or more AP Exams often are able to receive college credit (or placement), potentially saving hundreds or even thousands of dollars in tuition. (Each college has specific policies.) If a student does less well, AP Exam results do not have to be submitted to colleges.
Here is what the College Board says.