SPS Levies Information Meetings in January
Dear families and staff,
Please join Superintendent Denise Juneau and other district leaders to learn more about the upcoming Seattle Public Schools February 2019 levies at three Levy Informational Meetings in January 2019.
All meetings are from 7-8 p.m.
Each meeting will include a short presentation, starting at 7:10 p.m. about what’s on the Educational Programs and Operations Levy (EP&O), and the Building Excellence V (BEXV) Capital Levy. People will also have time to ask questions about the ballot propositions, the process, and what’s included for each school in the district’s levy request.
- Tuesday, Jan. 8 – John Rogers Elementary School Cafeteria, 4030 NE 109th Street
- Thursday, Jan. 10 – Montlake Elementary School Gymnasium, 2409 22nd Ave. E.
- Tuesday, Jan. 22 – Rainier Beach High School Cafeteria, 8815 Seward Pk. Ave. S.
Language interpretation will be provided at each meeting. If you need ASL interpretation, please contact 504coordinator@seattleschools.
Wondering why the district is asking voters to consider local education levies? Watch our budget video here http://bit.ly/SPSbudgetvideo
The EP&O and BEXV levies replace existing levies and are not a new tax to Seattle property owners. All funds stay in Seattle to support our students and schools and pay for safety and security upgrades at every school, critical day-to-day operations, educator salaries, technology supports, and will fund eight major school construction projects across the district. These projects will increase the number of classrooms, reduce portables, and balance class size.
Learn more about our Building for Learning levies here: www.seattleschools.org/levies
See this meeting notice on the district website.
Comments and questions are welcome via email or mail:
- BEX V Capital Levy: capitallevy2019@
seattleschools.org - Educational Programs & Operations Levy: budget@seattleschools.org
- Mail: Levies 2019, Seattle Public Schools, MS 22-336, PO Box 34165, Seattle, 98124
Thank you,
Seattle Public Schools